This Course Includes

  • 3 hours on-demand video

  • 40 lessons

  • 3 hands-on labs

  • Discussion board

Course Curriculum

    1. Message from the Instructor

    2. Job Outcome & Learning Objectives

    3. Required Tools, Components & Files

    4. Student Files

    5. How to use the Course

    6. Network Availability

    1. Agenda

    2. TCP Network Connections

    3. What is MQTT?

    4. MQTT Model

    5. MQTT Client Key Parameters

    6. Lab 1 Preview

    1. Purpose and Overview

    2. Materials

    3. Procedure

    4. Results

    5. Conclusions

    1. Agenda

    2. MQTT Message Format

    3. PUBLISH Message Sequences and QoS

    4. CONNECT & SUBSCRIBE Message Sequences

    5. Lab 2 Preview

    1. Purpose and Overview

    2. Materials

    3. Procedure (Part 1)

    4. Procedure (Part 2)

    5. Procedure (Part 3)

    6. Results

    7. Conclusions

    1. Agenda

    2. Keep Alive & Will Messages

    3. Topic Wildcards

    4. Identification, Authentication and Authorization

    5. Lab 3 Preview

About this course

  • MQTT is a key data transport protocol used in the IoT. You will learn how the protocol works by simulating MQTT client connections using your PC. You will also learn how to capture and analyze MQTT traffic using Wireshark.

Job Outcome & Learning Objectives