Course curriculum

    1. Message from the Instructor

    2. Job Outcome & Learning Objectives

    3. Required Tools, Components & Files

    4. Network Availability

    5. How to use the Course

    6. Student Files

    1. Agenda

    2. Introduction

    3. Why State Machines - Example

    4. State Machine Notation

    5. Modeling the Line-Follower Challenge

    1. Agenda

    2. Review of Line-Follower State Machine

    3. Enumerations

    4. The "switch" Statement

    1. Agenda

    2. Adafruit IO Feeds & Dashboard

    3. Lab 1 Preview

    1. Purpose and Overview

    2. Materials

    3. Procedure (Create Feeds)

    4. Procedure (Create Dashboard)

    5. Procedure (Test the Dashboard)

    6. Optional Procedure (Share the Dashboard)

    7. Results

    8. Conclusions

    1. Agenda

    2. Using the MQTT Client ("mqttc") Library

    3. Lab 2 Preview

About this course

  • This course will introduce you to embedded software modeling and design concepts that will be used to develop firmware for your robot to complete a basic line following challenge.